Support and Your Health



An essential element of living a long-lasting, sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

At Downs Fitness, we have no doubt that finding support is an imperative element of living a healthy lifestyle.  Life these days is saturated with distractions, temptations and consistent opportunities to make unhealthy choices.  We all experience it and we all have our weak moments, giving in to the instant gratification of that burrito or binging a new show instead of exercising.

I find that it is best to consider your support system from many different angles.  Furthermore, consider your inner circle in general, all of the people that you interact with on a regular basis, and really take a critical look at what each person in your life offers.  

For instance, we all have those amazing people in our everyday lives that know us inside and out.  Perhaps we have known them for many years or maybe they are a new friend, and their presence in our life is consistent.  Maybe they don’t have the same health goals as us.  I am here to tell you that is ok. 

Not everyone in our life is meant to serve as our health support system. 

People have different motivations and perspectives and while you may be hyper focused on achieving the ultimate healthy lifestyle, that friend may have a much different idea of what that means.

I believe that every person is in our life for a different reason and the key to a life full of rich, healthy relationships is understanding that.  Maybe your parents have that blind, unconditional love and encouragement for your life… while also gently mocking you while you prepare a separate meal for family dinner.  Maybe your best friend will always listen to your every struggle with your relationship… while consistently complaining that you don’t want to do it over cocktails.  Maybe your partner or roommate wants what is best for you… and continues to bring home doughnuts, potato chips and your favorite takeout on a regular basis.

First of all, it is not your job to convince anyone else that choosing to make healthier choices is in your best interest.  Even if it means you have to adjust your social calendar or always show up with a bag full of meal prep, you do you.  Second, it is not your job to convince anyone else that they need to make a change for their own health.  We have all been in that place - before we were ready to take that leap into making healthy changes, and someone is giving unsolicited advice on how we could lose weight.  It doesn’t do much for our self-esteem (or for that relationship). 

Let’s not be those people.  Live your truth and people will see a happier, healthier, more vibrant you.  If they choose to make a change, what a beautiful impact you have made!  We all know that real change can only happen once someone makes that decision for themself.

Support comes in a lot of different forms and instead of judging those humans for their different perspective of healthy living, let us embrace the beautiful things they bring to our lives while finding a place to turn for that imperative healthy living support.  

Which brings us to… our Downs Fit Fam. With every Downs Fit in Six subscription, readers are invited to join our Facebook group for life.  Having a community of like-minded individuals connected virtually is a priceless resource.  This beautiful virtual place where we can all come together is non-judgemental and all-inclusive.  We invite people of all ages, genders, races, and fitness levels to join in the conversation and say whatever is on your mind.  

About to go for that doughnut your roommate brought home?  Let us encourage you to go for a walk instead.  Already grabbed two and feeling guilty?  We will tell you how many times we’ve all been there.  Want to brag about your latest non-scale victory? We are proud of you and want to celebrate together!

This is not merely a shameless attempt to get you to sign up for the next Fit in Six.  (Although it's super awesome and you totally should).  If you are someone reading this blog from an outside perspective, we hope that you can embrace these ideas in a way that fits your healthy life.  We all need and deserve support. 

Here’s to embracing and accepting all of the humans in our lives for who they are and appreciating support in all of its different forms.


Water and Your Body


Squats and Your Body