Love Your Body


As we embark on a new year after surviving such a tumultuous one, we at Downs Fitness want to make a point to commit to more than just fitness and nutrition.  After all, positive lifestyle changes can only happen when we find the mindset and commitment necessary for true, authentic wellness.  

One of the most beautiful things about our vibrant community is its amazing diversity.  Each one of you brings something different to the table.  Your personal experience with health and wellness is unique and what you have to say may make a difference for someone who has fallen and needs a little help getting back up.

We are launching a blog for one very important reason: to take the conversation of wellness to an authentic and loving place.  To dismiss the toxic culture of “skinny” being positive and “fat” being negative.  To document the victories we achieve together through our fitness journey and give love and thought to the many experiences that brought us to this point.  

How many of us have experienced judgement for our body form?  How many of us have avoided social gatherings or going to the beach in a swimsuit for fear of the criticism that may be launched our way?  How many of us have sat in rooms with people who love us giving unsolicited advice on how we might look into some “great new idea” to try and lose weight?  How many of us have been on the receiving end of someone disguised as trying to help, and have left the situation feeling small and unloved?

We are here to tell you that you are beautiful, then and now.  Our bodies are the only thing that we truly own in this life.  Our feet take us to and from work every single day.  Our legs support us as we navigate this thing called life, trying to provide for ourselves and our loved ones.  Our eyes, noses, hair and skin reflect generations of family members with undeniable traits that link us together.

We feel lucky to have a community of individuals committed to wellness and we challenge you to join us as we take this journey one step further.  IT IS TIME THAT THE WORLD CHANGES THE WAY WE SPEAK ABOUT BODY FORM.

Did you know that before western television was introduced to the island of Fiji, there were ZERO documented cases of eating disorders?  Let that sink in.

What are you seeing in ads and commercials?  Who do you follow on social media?  What words are being launched at you on a daily basis encouraging you to try this next “diet” or “amazing new treatment?”

We are here to call bullshit.  Those ads are photoshopped.  Those social media accounts are phony and do not reflect the true chaos and nuance that comes with being human.  Those diets and new treatments are being peddled by opportunists trying to manipulate and take advantage of people’s insecurities.

Let’s start a positive conversation about the beautiful flaws and scars that make us who we are.  Let’s highlight those parts of our bodies that we think others might criticize.  Shout it out as loud as you can and perhaps you can give strength to someone who deeply needs the lending hand.  Wear that bikini proud at the beach every single day and show off every inch of your stunning human form. 


Let’s start a revolution of no longer reducing another human to their physical form.  Rather, let’s embrace the amazing connection that we can create with one another intellectually, artistically, humorously, joyfully and authentically.  Let us create a place for ourselves that promotes love over hate, acceptance over judgement and above all being truly and authentically ourselves.  Maybe then we can each go out in the world brighter and more ourselves and give another human the strength they need to keep going.

In addition to this powerful message, we want to talk about topics that will empower us to embrace our wellness journey with information.  More to come!

Check out this article posted by Stanford Medical that discusses body form and how it shapes our lives.  


Sugar and Your Body