6 Tips for Deciding when to Modify while Working Out

To modify or not to modify….

We at Downs Fitness are 100% committed to providing fitness to people of all ages, genders, and fitness levels.  For every single workout we do, our awesome trainer Lindsay provides modifications. You want to make sure you push yourself when you are able and take that modified approach when you need it.  So when should you modify? 

Here’s 6 tips to help you decide:

  1. Always keep moving.

    If you find yourself doing the full move with Drea and fatigue is turning quickly to failure, make a switch to the modified move.  Keep your body moving for the entire class.

  2. Always try the full move once.

    What do you have to lose? Get down and do one burpee and see how it feels. If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

  3. Never sacrifice form.

    Whether you’re signed up for a 6 week program or a drop in class, injury is never an option.  If you find doing a full jump squat is killing your knees, take it to the modification and focus on going deep down and up high on your tip toes. 

  4. You know your body best.

    If you have previous injuries or know a full push-up is too much, trust your instincts and choose what feels good. Working out is something that will be a part of your life forever, so remember to think about the big picture. (Also, if you have a medical condition or are currently pregnant, be sure to consult your physician for safe exercising practices).

  5. Don’t underestimate yourself.

    Your trainers push you beyond your comfort zone for a reason. We are capable of a lot more than we think, and often we are limited by our minds.  When you push beyond that voice, you can reach a new level, a beast mode, a flow like never before. That’s when real change happens.

  6. Modifications yield excellent results.

    If modifications are the best option for your body and goals, awesome. You are getting an incredible workout and you will see results. Lindsay does 100% modifications…. Check out proof in her before & after photos.


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